Monday 6 September 2010

And we're back...

apologies for the lack of posts but now we're back to normal again. Fingers crossed..... i went for my first clinical development assessment, where reasonably nicey doc asked lots of questions - and prodded me a bit....

things i passed on.

1. leg and arm movement all moving in the right direction
2. Head circumference
3. Weight.....7lb 8oz. OMG. Call the fat police....
4. Eat like a pig. hence above.
5. Reflexes good when she walloped me with a stick. bitch
6. Knawing of a hand - excellent

things of 'concern'

1. Apparently i look down a bit. This i put down to laying on my back for 3 months and trying to peer out of the cot. They think it may be - and i stress MAY - infact they're not really even saying may - but more like they'd like to rule it out - but anyway - my brain bleed from yesteryear can sometimes create the ventricles to be blocked which can then put pressure on the brain which can apparently cause the eyes to look down. I also look up and sideways and straight ahead - but they are airing on the side of caution so tomorrow i'm off for another brain scan. If thats inconclusive then i'll have an MRI. But i'm sure everything will be fine.
2. They're worried i clench my fists. I however only clench my fists when D is being very slow at feeding me and i want to give him a right hook. So therefore i am not too overly concerned by this either. But hey thats their job.
3. No other concerns.

So this is my assessment. I'm just fine thankyou.

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