Monday 2 August 2010

One step closer

So there you go, look at me and everything going into my own room - and what a lovely room it is. There are some light blue curtains which make me look even more pale than i already am and a bed hiding under another bed which M&D had to pull out to sleep on last night. M was fine as she had the duvet. D moaned that he was cold as he was under the 'blowing like a hurricane' air conditioner and only had what looked like one of my blankets on him. Bless him the big girl. Anyway back to me. My first night went swimmingly really. After my 12.30 burger and chips it was going to be another 4 hours until i could have a kebab so i thought i'd test M&D by screaming the place down at 2am to see if after only 8 hours of really looking after me they would ruin 12 weeks of carefully managed feeding times and give in......OH YEH BABY! So pigling bland me had a kebab at 2am and then my plan backfired a bit as i was so full i slept all the way to 8.30. So my plan of generally screaming throughout the night went slightly awry. Ah well theres always tonight.....

1 comment:

  1. Hey little dude. You'll have plenty of other chances to scream thru the night and keep D awake. He really is a big girl, but you're beginning to learn that now. Good luck tomorrow and enjoy the journey home. You driving?

