Tuesday 17 August 2010

Todays my birthday.

Or at least it was meant to be.  M is meant to be huffing and puffing. D is meant to be running around and huffing and puffing. I am meant to be getting ready to leave my little cocoon. Today is meant to be my birthday. But its not. But thats ok. Because i am here and doing well. True its been a bit of a haul to get here. But here I am. And thats the main thing. But you know, yes, it wasn’t meant to be like this. I wasn’t really meant to be here. I wasn’t meant to go through all the things I had to. M&D weren’t meant to go through all they did.  But at the end of the day, sometimes, things are just meant to be.


  1. Well as some Royals get two birthdays, why shouldn't you little dude, you've earnt it. We think that we were lucky to have seen you grow into the little man that you are today. We had an extra 3 months, which made it a special journey. Happy b'day LD. Love and peace, UD & AG-lo

  2. Gosh TWO birthdays and Christmas - what a lucky fella you are.

  3. Now don't be concerned about 2 birthdays Master A.....I think you should change your name by deedpoll cos when at school and you have to put A.Rimmer on the top page you are going to get a ribbing. Perhaps stay Alfie Rimmer at home and become Archie Saker at school.
