Thursday, 18 November 2010

3 things i've done this week...

And stretch. And hold. And release. I went to the physio  the other day who turned out to be a bit of a honey (quite unlike the one D got when he had a bad neck recently. Imagine Big Daddy in a leotard and you’re somewhere close) anyway I digress yes so she was quite hot so I pulled her top down. Now I fully understand that that sort of behaviour is on a limited time period and really only babies can get away with it…..yeh right tell that to the judge in 20 years after a night on the White lightening…..

Erm….so yes she said she was very pleased (not with the top pulling) with my masculine physique although I do have slightly weak shoulders which I have to build up so D has invested in a spinning machine where I lie face down on what looks sort of like a ladybird and spin myself in circles until I projectile vomit onto the rug. Excellent.

M went to see L & G the other day. As the lovely L has a load of horses they went down to show them to me. I’ve never seen a horse before so was very excited. We got there and it smelt rotten so that wasn’t that pleasant but anyway horses horses horses…M stopped the car. Got out. I peered out of the window at the lovely horses. But wait. Whats this? M is walking away from the car. M is at the horses with L. L&M are laughing. With the horses. I am in the car. Without the horses. I decide to cry. And wail. And go bright red in the face. And tears roll down my cheeks…..Schmorses that’s what I say. D is  right. Horses are rubbish. Big grump.

To clearly make up for her potential social services visit M took me to the beach to see N and R. It was very very cold so I wore my space suit. Its still too big. They say I’ll grow into it…I could fit the physio in here with me. Anyway the beach was lovely . Gonna get me a boat and be a sailor boy…..ahem, international yachtsman with loads of hot Swedish chicks on board in bikinis. Yes that sounds better.

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