Thursday 15 July 2010

oh thats gotta hurt

so today i had 2 jabs - count em - 2 jabs in my butt. well in my leg actually but butt sounded better. anyway they're for erm... stuff so i needed them apparently. On stand by was parrotsatethemall and kalpol just incase i had a funny reaction - but as is my way i let out a little yelp - or more the sound of a goat being branded - yes i have begun to 'cry' but only sound like a goat at the moment - and then after that i fell asleep as they had given me a load of sucrose which in most cases would give you a sugar rush but i decided that sleep was the best medicine so dozed off with sats around 97%. obviously everyone was amazed at me again as the other one down there who looks like Homer cried his ass off for about an hour after he had the same jabs. Such a big girl.

in other exciting breaking news etc i have had 19ml from a bottle today! hurrah. This is very important as so far i have been fed through a tube which is now up my nose rather than in my mouth. In one way its nice to have a free mouth at last but it does tickle my nose quite alot so i sneeze constantly and frown. But back to the bottle - normally it takes 2 or 3 days from the first bottle attempt to get preemies to start swallowing but again like a medical marvel that i am i was fine and sucked that bad boy down. Obviously after all that i was knackered so fell asleep again.

my new outfit was ruined today after some douchebag dropped a load of milk on it - well not ruined but it certainly made me look a bit of a mess until mum all on her own changed me into some new gear so i looked cool again. Where are my converse thats what i say....


  1. Dude, firstly just seen your weight so Little Dude may not really apply anymore. Secondly, good guzzling on the white stuff. And lastly, Converse will be delivered this weekend. Awesome. J-dude

  2. All these giant steps are great news Alfie. Keep up with the wight stuff and who knows before long it'll be a pint of something tastier!!

  3. Way to grow, big guy! Keep up the good work.
