Sunday 25 July 2010

Who nose what’s going on….

After pointing out that my nose tube was coming out all afternoon by sticking my fingers in the loopy bit that was supposed to be stick to my face  I eventually pulled it out myself which if you’ve ever pulled a tube out that sits in your stomach out through your nose you’ll know its not the most comfortable of feelings so I went a bit mad and then they finally noticed and said ‘ohhhh hes telling us he wants to feed completely from the bottle’. ‘No I’m not - I’m 11 weeks old I have no idea what a tube is or a bottle for that matter, I pulled my nose tube out because when I fling my arms around my fingers get caught in the loopy bit and then I grab stuff and pull on it, although I am quietly pleased that you feel I am making considered decisions about my feeding requirements at such an early age bless you –I am not!

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