Tuesday 13 July 2010

top five....

5. i've been moved to LDU the little dude unit - low dependency as they like to call it. Like everything it was a bit of a pallaver. M&D were told at 11pm on sunday night  that i was to move as they had a new 'fat one' (35 weeker) coming in. They then tried to make out they would have moved me anyway and the lack of space was purely coincidental - yeh right - 'do you know i think we should move alfie next door....oh whats this a new fat one coming in to HDU - oh that was good timing...' hmmm anyway Dad came to see me at 7am yesterday to make sure they hadn't put me by the bins and they still went on about its not the space we would have moved him....so he gave them all wee eye and they eventually shut up and agreed it was because of the fat one arriving....

4. I am now classed as special care. My bonger is set to low and whistles and sounds like its on its last legs...clearly the funding stopped at the HDU.

3. I am the only one on the whole unit breathing on my own all the other lazy buggers have still got oxygen. That is so yesterday...At the weigh in i am now officially a chunker. 4lb 0.3oz. Although the competitive mum syndrome hits again with my new neighbours mother announcing that he was 4lb 8oz. Well done fella, however in a few weeks we shall be the same weight but you will still look like a monkey..

2. I have been moved up to two hourly feeds - something that has freaked me out in the past as i can't handle it all and reflux like mad, go bright red and then have a bradi. So understanably Mum's a bit worried. But worry not mother i am now made of stronger stuff. Dr do very little says if i tolerate it all ok i'll be on 3 hourly by the weekend. Bring it on i say.

1. They have started hinting and winking that as i am such a star and if i continue to improve i may be allowed home sooner than later..... I'm now 35 weeks and they generally keep you up to term which in itself is only another 5 weeks away. I don't reckon it'll be a lot sooner than that - maybe a week, so M&D had better start planning a little better than they are doing right now - at this rate i'll be going home in a cardboard box full of straw....


  1. LD, loving all this good news. Need to sort out a celebration for your big day, so please keep us all updated. Thinking a night out with the boys. Pub? Spearmint Rhino? Let me know what you think? Best keep Dad in the loop, but not a word to Mum. Sweet! J-dude

  2. Alfie - J Dude says I'm also special care, but fear not little boy we get by. You are doing better then me! xx
