Thursday 1 July 2010

its tough being a preemie

well the transfusion seemed to go ok. no odd reactions. had a bradi at 2am but only fleeting and when dad came to see me this morning i hadn't had one all night. he went off to work. mum arrived, and then it all went a bit tits up. so to cut a very very long day short - the transfusion hasn't really worked to stop the bradi's as i've been having them all day which frankly is taking its toll on everyone but mostly my mum. i'm sorry mum, i promise i'll try harder. they've started me on antibiotics as they think i may now have an infection - my crp infection markers have increased slightly today but sometimes they cannot really tell the full story so we'll have to wait till tomorrow for a more accurate reading. I was doing so well and everything so i guess this is back to the rolercoaster they all went on about but as the doc has just said i'm older and a bit heavier than the last infection so hopefully i can fight it off a little better than last time. i hope so cos i feel like crap. xx

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