Saturday 10 July 2010

on my best behaviour....

today i had a lovely day. my nasal prongs were actually off this morning when M&D arrived - well i say off they were stuck into the top of my nose as i had been so good lovely nursey said i was coping enough to remove them but wisely hadn't taken it off completely just incase i needed them again. and sure enough i did - but thats fine as i've generally been still on 0.01 or 0.02 as i get a tad tired sometimes and need just a little bit of extra help so thats cool. Uncle Andy, Auntie Yvonne and lauren arrived today to see me and as they're doctors - not lauren, but who knows in a few i thought i should be on my best behaviour but as is my want generally when doctors are near me i go a bit funny as i think they're going to prod me or stick something in me - fortunately they didn't but as mum and yvonne changed my nappy i decided to pee into the air and cover my lovely outfit in wee which needed a complete change - hence dad was sent next door to choose me a new outfit - always a source of amusement with the nurses as he has no real idea of my size and comes back with ridiculously large - or small outfits. this time however amazingly it was ok - so after a lovely nappy change and just before they buttoned me up i decided that now was about the right time to do a huge poo. oh sorry was i not meant to do that....hahahahaha. so needed changing again. ooops. Anyway UA said i was acting 'appropriately' which in medical terms seems like i'm doing ok. I have a new book in my crib from lovely Lilly (who i might shack up with in years to come) and have stared at the stars and the picture of the cat quite alot today which is nice but seem to go a bit freaky with the picture of the dog. never liked dogs.....can't be bothered with all the walking and slobbering.....

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha Alfie, I'm loving the pee and poo action. Regularity is a sign of good health, so keep it up fella. Jonnydude and Mrs J Dude
