Tuesday 18 May 2010

Eb says...

finally they've taken that canula and splint off my arm so i can wave it around and suck my thumb abit. i'm on a load of antibiotics for the next 10 days as this wierd goop keeps coming out of my tum although i heard today its easing off but they won't feed me until i've finished my antibiotics as apparently my stomach is underdeveloped at the moment so they need to make sure i've got no infections before giving me some food.... i say i'd quite like a cheeseburger...


  1. best of luck with that cheeseburger Eb and go easy on the fries! great to hear about your progress. lots of love to you and your lovely mum+dad. big hugs all round from aunty J9 + uncle hinch xx

  2. For our very special little boy, we first saw you at 24 hours old, and and are thinking and praying for you every day to grow stronger, and will see you again soon.

    With all our love and hugs Nana and Pops xx

  3. I'll be cooking some paella for you in no time Eb ;)
