Thursday 20 May 2010

good morning this is your wake up call

i realise you can't hear this. but its going off. and on. and off. and on. and well you get the picture. its 3am and i'm thinking the hospitals on fire. well i'm don't really think its on fire but i know that the fire alarm is going off. and my god its loud. so there we are running down the corridor to the ICU ready to wheel the little one out and thinking well this can't be good. can incubators be moved? what about all the stuff thats flashing and blinking and infusing around him? have they got wheels? anyway all these questions about the mobility of life saving machines are all put to bed - unlike me - when the lovely nurse comes out and shouts 'oh its loud out here isn't it, its very quiet in there - don't worry its a fault'. so we breathe and shout at each other as we stand under the bell. which continues to go off. and then finally it stops - but its bit like hiccups and you think it'll start again. which it does. and then it goes off again. thats off. silent. and it stays silent. for tonight. 

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