Friday 21 May 2010

Eb says...

Bollocks. My lights back on and they've shoved the cPAP back in my nose. They're all muttering something about how i was doing so well but i've tired myself out but my saturation levels are dropping a bit so thats why they're helping me. And then after fitting me with my ridiculous gnome hat again they turned the light on again without putting my sunnies on. - that is like so not cool.. Still no food today however the main man, the daddy (not that one), the big cochonas has decided that Sunday is going to be the big day for my first feast of......a couple of drops of milk. Maybe thats just the starter and the steak and ale pie will follow. I also overheard someone mentioning i was doing so well that they might move me back to Surrey if i keep being all stable and manly sometime next week which would be excellent - another day closer to me terrorising those cats...


  1. Well Eb, hope you do get to go to Surrey next week - that would be great news (plus you will like your new home)

  2. Fingers cross for Surry Eb, we will ask if Jerry and Georgie can come visit x

  3. following your progress, little fella.
    brian and gill
    in australia
