Thursday 20 May 2010

Eb says...

ok so i know i'm small but scale can sometimes be a little confusing. the latest addition to my  incubator is a Zaky hand pillow thing which just to confirm is about 3 times the size of a normal hand. its full of beans and is designed to make me feel all comforted and what not. it seems to be working as i slept like a baby last night....ironic that - even the fire alarm didn't wake me up unlike some people haha. I'm still breathing on my own and they've finally turned off the blue light on me which is used to bring up my jaundice levels - apparently nothing to do with my liver or the wine dad drinks but is normal for prem babies skin to display a little yellowy colour so its turned on periodically to give me a blast of UV light until my levels look ok - as long as i don't start to look like george hamilton i'm fine with it. The humidity in here has been turned down a little too so its less like Kew gardens now. I heard mumblings this morning that the little bleed on my brain hadn't got any worse so the consultant was optimistic that it was gonna be ok so touch..erm... bean glove thing that that will be the outcome of my next scan tomorrow. I've also stopped producing the wierd green goop out of my tum so they're hoping that the antibiotics are working and they can finally start to give me some sausages and chips on tuesday.....or maybe a bit of milk.


  1. Hey little dude, your dad has some Swedish meatballs in his freezer. Get him to bring you some with the special gravy! Mmmmmmmm. Awesome!

  2. Nice to see your face. Easy on the suntan

  3. Martin did you already give him a haircut like yours? ;)

    Good to see his face :)


  4. Get dad to get you a starbucks, that will do the trick.

    Your ickle face is a pitcure!
