Monday, 31 May 2010

Eb says…Bong. Sorry.

Hmm so my stats are ok but the ‘long line’ which actually is probably quite short and very very very thin that goes from into the big vein in my ankle and then goes up my leg and ends up erm…somewhere has started to be a right pain in the neck. It carries TCIP which is full of nutrients and stuff and also LIPID which is some sort of fat to make me erm fat I guess. Problem is the fat gets stuck and the pressure of the pump can’t push it though the line which then means it bongs. But its not a nice bong. It’s a sharp, loud, ear piercing bong – and at the moment its pretty much going off every minute. So the nurse comes over, turns it off, fiddles with my leg a bit and then goes back to sit down. Then as I see her sit down I flick my ankle and the line occludes again and the bong goes off. And so it goes on…and on and on.

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