Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Eb says...

my screamy new neighbour is proving a right pain in the cannula. not only does she scream a lot her chavy mother and grandmother who smell like they've just smoked 20 lambert & butler together (with the mother attired in a delightful blue toweling dressing gown with support stockings on to keep her fat ankles from bursting i presume)  just before they come in to see britney or whatever her name is take turns in staring at me and going 'oooo he's a small one isnt he, your britneys a lot bigger ain't she'. Yes love and your darling britney will no doubt continue to be a 'large one' based on her presumably future diet of chips and stolen iceland ready meals....


  1. You need to get out of there and back to Surrey:-)

  2. You sound just like your dad Eb!

  3. What's happened to you? you use to be so sweet, stay away from daddy!

  4. EB you sound like you might just have a bit of Harry Jackson in you. Your great grandfather didn't suffer fools, a fine character trait to carry through the genes...

    ps A future diet of Waitrose finest is definately the preferable option

  5. oh and EB can the Jackson crew have your home address please, we would like to send you a welcome to the world card.... and wish lots of love to your mummy and daddy xx

  6. Lovely EB you DO sound like your dad!
    Steph x
