Monday, 24 May 2010

Eb says...

are you talking to me? are you talking to me? well i don't see anyone else here? big news of the day is i have now decided to open my eyes! yes after 12 days of snoozing and pretending i was constantly asleep whenever the big dark hood was lifted i have given in to curiosity and started peeking about. although i am only briefly glancing about and then shutting them again as to be honest its all a bit blurry and the view isn't great everyone seems to get very excited when i do it... so maybe i'll do it a bit more....or maybe not. i did notice however that i've got some new neighbours and they're very noisy. where i am now trying to keep my bongs and beeps down to a minimum this lot are binging and bonging like nobodys business. lets hope they quieten down so i can get more sleep. 


  1. Oh Eb, its a grown up thing, we will get excited at the smallest little thing you do for at least the next 5 year and more. Keep up the good work - sending you lots of love

  2. 5 years? and then what auntie gayle? anyway you are booked for every single birthday party till i'm at least 21 - although by that time you probably won't even know who you are never mind me. love you ebxx

  3. I might be old young Eb but I know a cheeky boy when I hear one, you just concentrate on getting bigger and leave the funnies to me xxx
