Sunday, 23 May 2010

Eb says...

Food glorious food, hot sausage and mustard, while we're in the mood cold jelly and custard, pease pudding and saveloys what next is the question.......The next question is can i keep the milk down they gave me at 12? And the answer is........ mostly!!! hurrah! Also the news today is they've stopped my antibiotics hence the glorious half syringe of milk - oh yeh go on spoil me why don't ya. In other events and just to annoy the nurses i have started rolling onto my front and sticking my face in the sheet and then things bong and people rush around and then move me... this is maybe one of the reasons they're trying to move me back to surrey.


  1. Eb, milk is cool! Get guzzling and get yourself all fit for Surrey! Hopefully the sun will keep shining until you come home and the it'll be barbeque time!

  2. Eb, good that you had some milk but what you really want is Gazpacho, taste much better than plain milk - ask your Mum and Dad to give you some.


  3. Keep guzzling EB - you are all in our thoughts and prayers - Eileen & Ernie (Davids mum & dad)xx God Bless
