Wednesday 26 May 2010

Eb says...

so yesterday was going so well - i had a pretty good day - although they did turn my light on again which was fairly annoying as my skins gone all a bit dry. They can baste me in sunflower oil - yeh butter me up baby - but not while the light is on as i will cook.... So everything was fine then dad turned up and i freaked out, my stats dropped through the floor and they had to put my back on the cpap again and try and calm me down - but no i kept kicking and looking pretty miserable so they called the doctor who then prodded me a bit and then concluded i was just a bit miserable - you'd be miserable under a UV light constantly mate. On the plus side they're still feeding me although i am barfing up a bit more and my green goop has returned, they reckon if they keep pumping me full of food then it'll be ok - although i may just continue to barf a bit up to keep em all on their toes....

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