Wednesday, 30 June 2010
oh dear...
not having a great day. have had 8 bradis and feel all a bit lethargic to be honest. They've finally decided to give me a blood transfusion which is going on right now. First half an hour is the critical time to make sure i don't get any wierd reactions but so far so good. I'm going to be transfused till 1am and then hopefully over the next few hours after that i'll start to pick up. If not it might be something else thats making me feel a bit crap - sepsis has been mentioned to fingers crossed its not that again. keep everything crossed cos its gonna be a tough night. x
Top ten things that happened are….
At ten…had my ROP test yesterday – or eye test for the less medically minded - and passed with flying colours. So I’m glad. M&D are glad. And the one who saturated me with oxygen for over an hour last week is very glad. Oh there you go I’ve said it. Oops.
At nine…My albublimunin (whatever) levels have increased. I’m on extra iron so at least it seems to be working. No more fat face for me.
At eight….My hemoglobin (hb) levels have decreased which isn’t great. They’ve gone down a bit further than the last blood test so that means I’m on the border of a blood transfusion but the dr seems to be quite obsessed with giving me one (ooo matron) and a big one at that (oh stop it) as it will give me a bit of a boost. New information that leaked out of the bloods yesterday was that I also have immature cells. Well I am only 7 weeks old so what do you expect but that might be the cause of why I’m not creating my own cells at the moment. Mum is tasked with firing many questions at the doc today to establish whether they will get more mature or ave we got a bit of a problem ere then son? Or something like that anyway.
At seven….wish I’d done a top five…
At six…My weight has gone up again. I am now only 60g away from them potentially taking me out of the greenhouse. If they do then I move next door into that room over there. Not that one. That one over…..yes that one. Anyway it’s a funny one really cos all everyone has wanted is for me to move to the LDU (Low dependency unit) – or as I have now named it – Little Dude Unit…but now it might actually be happening it all feels a bit scary. If nothing else who’s going to water the Clematis?
At five…M&D went to St.Marys yesterday to meet the consultant to try and find out why I’m here. Why are we all here? Woah. Deep man. Anyway unsurprisingly they couldn’t really put their finger on any particular reason and ended up saying it could have been two things but the main thing was that whatever it was it was more like an act of God and nothing Mum did or didn’t do. So bless her she was very relieved about that because no matter how many times she was told it wasn’t her fault I think its any mothers natural feeling to blame themselves somehow. But now she doesn’t need to do that, although I still question the lamb bhuna she had the night before I was born….
At four…erm… I have decided that’s it’s the lights that make me look pale. Right above the greenhouse is a big strip light which is either ON and oh my god it’s bright and the other setting emits a weird yellowy glow that makes everyone in the room look like they’ve got a bad case of jaundice. That combined with the beige blinds over there and theres no hope for anyone to get out of here without a liver transplant and getting signed up for a 12 step programme from alcoholics anonymous….
At three…I had 3 bradis yesterday but lovely non-speaky-the-english-very-well-dad-gets-annoyed-with-nurse said it was because I’d been annoyed all day by eye people and sticky the needle in my heel people so I was bound to be a bit knackered. And she was right I was down to air again when all the crowds left.
At two…latest news update. I was on air all night…… look at me breathing and everything. Quite remarkable. Gold star for me.
At one…and talking of gold stars. Yesterday…The Best Boy in Room award went to…ME!! oh bless, I never expected it, we’re all winners here, really especially you over there whatever your name is, I’d obviously like to thank all the doctors and nurses, the greenhouse manufacturer erm God and oh yes of course M&D who without their input I wouldn’t be here today….. Ruddy Bhuna.
Sunday, 27 June 2010
gold star recinded due to bad stats
so there i was being all good and everything mostly on air (21% oxygen level) for quite a long time to be honest and then the consultant arrives and i go into a bradi and a desat right infront of him - so instead of gold star for best boy in room i get nothing and are called biggest troublemaker in room. Pah. He says apart from that little episode i'm doing ok although hes a bit worried about my hemaglobin levels again as i've gone a bit pale. they're meant to be about 10 - 12 and i'm on 8.8 from 9.4 so my trend is down and theres nothing Gok Wan can do about it. This is the time when i'm sort of supposed to go down but then pick up again and shoot into the 12's but i'm not so the only result of that is another blood transfusion to help me but thats a bit of a double edged sword as they can't just keep bunging blood in me as i have to create my own and i i'm not creating my own then that well..... thats a whole new caboodle of worry. But - so far we're hanging on to the tuesday vampire session when they bleed me to test a new batch - which in itself reduces my blood count. i don't see why they can't just give me a nurofen and tell me to drink plenty of fluids and get some rest.....
the boys are back in town
all the girls have gone. clearly they are all fatter than us boys and are now creating some sort of lesbian clique in the room next door. oh well it was all getting a bit much for me anyway as the other day after harriet showed me a bit of ankle i got a little 'excited' shall we say and my sats went all a bit funny. so perhaps its best for all....
Friday, 25 June 2010
stuff thats goin on
New head scan says no new problems although new consultant neuro man says that he can understand why St.Marys got a bit worried as it could have got worse. But it didn’t. So we’re all thankful for that. Plus head size is growing at a normal rate which is super although dad thinks I look like flat Stanley as because my head is on the side a lot and my napper is still quite soft it starts to look a bit square although nuirsey says it will fill out…hmmm we shall see….
My oxygen levels on my lo-flo are the best ever – even got down to 21% today which is essentially air – just like you’re breathing. Obviously they then flipped me on my back and needed a bit more but this is a good sign….fingers crossed.
My feeds are now being mixed with a special preemie formula with extra chips and sausages mixed in to give me a bit more extra fat. Nice.
And talking of fat. I have now reached the milestone of 3lb!!! yes hurrah for me.
My albumin levels have still not increased but the mini consultant says its odd because I don’t look like they’re still low. They said that I didn’t look ill when I had sepsis as well so either the make up is working or they don’t really know what I’m meant to look like…
Yesterday Mum thought I had a wart on my finger. Oh please. Doctor looked at it and said hmmm looks like a wart. Today it fell off and disappeared. It wasn’t a wart. It was a bogey.
Eye test because of the ‘incident’ has been put off till next week due to it all kickin off in here yeterday. There I was having a snooze when the bongs go off in the next room – the low dependency unit - and then more bongs and people start rushing around and carrying the LDU little fella into here (HDU) and then lots more rushing around – and all I’m trying to do is have a kip. Anyway eye man decided he wanted nothing of it all and wandered off. Update is the wee man is doing ok but is on cpap. Which just goes to show – you never know when you might have a dip or a funny turn – obviously I won’t as I have a strong heart and well saturated blood…
And finally Dads landrover has been described by a garage as ‘buggered’. He is very upset.
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
oh Darcy you are so sweet and beautiful...
She loves me. She loves me not. She loves me. She loves me not. She loves me. She loves me not. She loves me. She loves me not. She loves me. She loves me not. She loves me. She loves me not. She loves me. She loves me not apparently as she’s moved into the next room. Bitch.
No vacancies
So there I was yesterday pruning my gazaelias in the far corner of the greenhouse when I was interrupted by not one but two new arrivals. And where it has been more like a frat house in here recently with Jack, George, Theo and me all shootin the breeze, chewing the fat and bangin out some tunes these were not normal arrivals. These were ladies, the fairer sex, the conchicas…. Yes so the girls are taking over the asylum. Harriet and Darcy have arrived and welcome they are although one of them and I don’t know which one – they all look the same to me – looks a bit of a lard arse as she was born at 33weeks and although I am 32 weeks or in old money 6 weeks old today – yes happy birthday to me – I am not the same as if I’d have been born at 32 weeks if you get my gist. All the wonders of medical marvelry cannot replicate what a lovely bag of amniotic fluid and me floating around happy as larry can do – so in a way I’m already playing catch up a bit and apparently will do so until…well no-one really knows but ‘they say’ it’ll probably take a few years – although I think that’s bollocks and I’ll be playing the piano before my first birthday. Well at least as well as Dad can play. And he’s useless so shouldn’t be that hard.
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
I'm official
well nearly. M&D are off to Westminster today to register me - finally. Yes it is if you're counting - the last day they're allowed to before some douchebag at westminster council names me malcolm archibald francisco or something like that. In other brief news, i am still refluxing and they are now playing with my gaviscon stuff to try and reduce me convulsing wvery time they feed me. I have nearly made 3lb - only 10g to go. And i have another eye test today after 'the incident' at the weekend - less said of the better - and i may have to testify at some point so wouldn't want to predudice the case. Might tell you all about it at a later date...
In fashion news i have a new knitted blue beret which is very arty and makes me look like a young picasso. Dad is happy because i look arty. Mum is happy because it makes me look gay!
In fashion news i have a new knitted blue beret which is very arty and makes me look like a young picasso. Dad is happy because i look arty. Mum is happy because it makes me look gay!
Monday, 21 June 2010
Friday, 18 June 2010
Alfie says....come on england!
So after yesterdays melancholic meaning of life ponderings I thought I’d lighten it up a little today. The early morning good news is I’ve put on 80g and am now a whopping 2lb 11oz or 1.33kg in new money. Now clearly I’m still not going to win any fattest baby of the year awards but this is pretty good as over at the weigh in area they say that the ‘fighting weight’ or the going home weight you have to achieve before they consider release is about 4lb – which according to my calculations is only 7.125 days away….. I’m not sure that’s right. Maybe that should be 7.125 weeks. Hmm.
In other more barfy news, the delightful reflux which now everyone’s focused on is still causing me issues. They’ve changed my feeds to hourly now instead of two hourly to reduce the amount going in me at one time and have started adding dom perignon to my mix, which is rather lovely. Who knew the nhs were so extravagant. This is the latest addition together with the gaviscon – yes gaviscon – that they’re hoping will reduce the reflux. Problem is when I get the it my sats drop like a stone and my heart beat fluctuates all over the place so that’s not really great is it. Lovely nurse says that its still happening but seems a bit less than overnight with the new regime.
Oh have just been told its domperadone…..and not the other one…
quick one this...
my canula is out. my paddle is off. i can now bend both arms........HOOOORAH! oh but my reflux is getting worse. you can't apparently have it all.
Thursday, 17 June 2010
What's it all about Alfie?
Lying in my greenhouse the other night I started thinking about my life. Yes, a little too early for an autobiography but it’s a strange world I inhabit. It’s a world I should never have known about. I should be still floating around in my amniotic fluid having a right old time. But instead I lie here connected to a monitor to measure my respiration rate, the oxygenation levels in my blood, my heart rate and blood pressure. I have another monitor that measures the shallowness of my breath. I have a canula in the back of my hand inserted in my vein to give me my antibiotics which is strapped to a paddle so I can’t bend my arm, a feeding tube down to my stomach where every time they feed me I have reflux which is like a really sore heartburn – and they feed me every two hours - an oxygen prong up my nose which fizzes and makes it sounds like you’re constantly on board a plane. On top of that I’m prodded by doctors twice a day who then stand over me and talk about me. Hello I am here you know. I’m flipped onto different sides, I’m routinely given some sort of scan, they measure my head, they measure my stomach, they stab my feet with needles and squeeze blood out of them. I tell you, at the end of the day, it all just seems, well a bit unfair. Its unfair on me, its unfair on M&D. So I sit here in my greenhouse and look at all the others in the room, all from different backgrounds and all with different stories and I realize sometimes you just have to accept it. You have been dealt your lot so get on with it. There’s no point wishing for something else or thinking ‘if only’ as none of these things will change the fact that I’m here, sitting in my greenhouse. But that’s the important thing. I am here, and I’m doing ok and at some point I’ll go home. And as ester rantzen used to say, ‘that’s life’.
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
alfie says...what you lookin' at?
don't know what you're looking at but i am looking at a very bright light shining into my eyes....yes its the latest test on me - an eye test. Now although i randomly open my eyes to check out the greenhouse i still can't really make much out apart from a few shadows and things but that will improve over time and this test was to see whether i have Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) which like all things can be in grades, 1 being the best and 5 being like a bat. Anyway the long and short of it is apparently i am 'showing no signs for concern' of it. Hurrah! Which is good as eye development is fairly rapid in the last 10 weeks of pregnancy but can stop if you come out a little early - clearly i am so highly developed i seem to be ok. They will test me every two weeks and even when i go home i have to continue to have eye tests to make sure theres no problems - although i'd imagine i'll be going through a fair amount of them in the future. All i remember is the lovely head consultant from St.Marys saying i was a textbook baby - hopefully that meant i was progressing exactly how they would hope rather than being quite boring, rather thick and difficult to fit in a small bag...
Monday, 14 June 2010
Alfie says.....mabel, babel, stable
evening. apologies for the lack of posts over the weekend but i gave my scribe the weekend off. Not that i'm relaxing the regime you understand its just i grew tired of his inability to say albumin. No its not ambulin or ampulin or albimum. Idiot. Anyway albumin has been the latest thing on everyones minds as thats the thing that caused me to look like bernard manning last week. Apparently although unconfirmed my albumin levels are either stable or improving - however what is reducing is the size of my legs and face which is super. My feet and my erm.... cochonas are still a little on the large side but Dad says thats fine.... and apparently they're the last to 'de-swell'. On the upside i've actually gained weight - which obviously everyone panicked about thinking i was getting all fluidy again but no apparently they think (oh do they..) that its normal weight gain. This means i am now almost....almost 3lb.
In other news the train came out of the tunnel yesterday, failed to stop at the station and flew straight across the greenhouse. That'll teach them to put my bum in the air without protective nappyage on...
Also big news of yesterday was Dad picked me up for the first time. Hurrah. I was out the greenhouse for about 35mins and not once did i drop my sats - which obviously made mum all jealous as i only managed 10 minutes with her the other day before i went a bit funny....bless her. will try harder next time.
In other news the train came out of the tunnel yesterday, failed to stop at the station and flew straight across the greenhouse. That'll teach them to put my bum in the air without protective nappyage on...
Also big news of yesterday was Dad picked me up for the first time. Hurrah. I was out the greenhouse for about 35mins and not once did i drop my sats - which obviously made mum all jealous as i only managed 10 minutes with her the other day before i went a bit funny....bless her. will try harder next time.
Friday, 11 June 2010
Alfie says.....4973 visitors
jeez i am like so popular.....thank you for following me and God bless you all xxxx
Alfie says.... short and sweet (ish)
So in an effort to be more concise for both you and my secretary who sits duly typing at the side of my incubator – get me a coffee you useless baffoon – this post will have a numerical theme in order, but in no particular order, to highlight the um highlights and the lowlights from the activities over the last few days..
1. 1. They have taken me of cpap. Hurrah. Although after 5 days on it my nose looks like a cross between joe bugners and a raging bull. They say – oh they say a lot of stuff around here which at least half I don’t believe – anyway they say that with a little massage, perhaps from a little thai girl, it will return to normal. So in later life I’m known as Alfie the Bull you’ll know they, yes ‘they’ were lying.
2. 2. My swelling has gone down. I now do not resemble jabba the hut as I did a few days ago. They’re still not sure why I turned into a balloon, although most heads nod towards the infection – oh his arms fallen off – that’ll be the infection….. hmmm anyway my ambulin levels – the ones that fell which meant my cells then filled with fluid instead of me ‘passing them’ have started to stabalise. They have also given me a diuretic for the past 2 days which basically means I spend the entire day peeing – which is a joy for all. A few days ago I gained 70g in 24 hours…apparently I’m meant to gain about 30g per week…hmm. But anyway I’ve lost weight yesterday and today so my slimfast diet seems to be working.
3. 3. My head is growing at a normal rate. So we’re all very pleased about that as hopefully, touch warm humid plastic, that the ventricles in my brain aren’t swelling anymore so that ruddy doctor who dragged M&D into a room 2 weeks ago was wrong. HA! I defy medical science yet again. Grrrrr. And breaaaathe….
4. 4. The scan on my lungs yesterday (is there any peace?) was much better than last week – that’ll be down to the infection – oh really – so I think that’s why I’m back on the lo-flo. Overnight nice nurse says I’ve had one bradi (not great) but shes turned the oxygen up and now I’m fast asleep and sats are solid…although still dictating – weird. I am however beginning to wonder about all this desat stuff – they (them again) say that the monitors are useless and you can’t go by the numbers but you have to look at the trace – which essentially means that when you have a nice ‘christmas tree line’ (wavy essentially) that means that the numbers are more accurate. I very rarely have a wavy line – the trace is all over the place – however on the few occasions I do my sats are up in the 90’s – which is where they should be. My question is – if you turn up the oxygen levels when I’m showing 70 but my trace isn’t great how do you not know that I’m actually at 100% and you’re just not saturating me with oxygen – which is not good and can actually be very bad. I don’t expect you, a layman to answer that – however mum has been tasked with that conundrum to ask the consultant today. No doubt they’ll blame it on the infection…
5. 5. My stomach scan has apparently come back fine – although they still think it might be a bit big. Personally I think I’m full of wind which happened last time I was on the cpap for a while and then someone shoved something up my bum and after that it all seemed to disappear – although my greenhouse didn’t smell that great.
5.They have finally given me a bigger nest. The nest is supposed to recreate the womb – although am not sure how a few rolled up blankets and a big bean hand can replicate it that well, but anyway – I have outgrown my previous one and so they’ve given me a bigger one. I still however slide down to the bottom of it, stick my legs over the top and constantly try and rollover to lay on my face, thus setting off all the bongs….although might stop laying on my face so much as actually they’re not that quick in sorting me out here.
5.They have finally given me a bigger nest. The nest is supposed to recreate the womb – although am not sure how a few rolled up blankets and a big bean hand can replicate it that well, but anyway – I have outgrown my previous one and so they’ve given me a bigger one. I still however slide down to the bottom of it, stick my legs over the top and constantly try and rollover to lay on my face, thus setting off all the bongs….although might stop laying on my face so much as actually they’re not that quick in sorting me out here.
7. I have two new books. Both written about me – one where I go on a train, and the other…oh can’t remember the other one. Anyway its all pure fantasy as to be honest I’ve no idea what a train is never mind being on one and having loads of larfs and japes…
1. 1. They’re still draining me of blood to test my gases every hour which I get rather crabby about.
2. Dad has gone back to work so he can’t read the paper to me every morning. Although actually that maybe should have been in the positives as last week he was droning on about angela merkel and the euro. Yawn.
3. I still can’t juggle.
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Alfie says.... fat as a house
So my saga continues. there i am fighting this ruddy infection and apparently doing ok on the whole - my infection markers are down and sats reasonably ok, my bloods are coming back to - well lets not say normal - but certainly on the road to recovery. The start of a thousand mile journey starts with a single step you know and i certainly think M&D are pretty much getting their heads around that one. And talking of small steps... well if i could walk that might be pretty difficult for me right now. No-ones quite sure why yet and more tests will follow tomorrow but i've swelled up like a bit of a balloon. My legs went first and then my feet and then my face. No-one spotted it at all until Mum noticed that my name tag on my leg was essentially cutting into it. i was waving it about like a banshee but sometimes its hard to attract attention.
Sunday, 6 June 2010
Alfie says.... yo mamma
so today was well quite a momentous day really. yes i'm still feeling a bit crap but the lovely nurse said that it was about time i had a cuddle. Obviously most people who have a baby - slightly bigger than me obviously - can hold their baby almost straight after the birth and really feel that 'connection' between mother and child. unfortunately for me as you'll all be aware i've been stuck in my greenhouse for almost 4 weeks now (yes it is my 4 week birthday on wednesday...) and everytime the nurses have thought about getting me out for some skin on skin time (easy...) i've either dropped all my stats or i just haven't been ready for it so it hasn't happened. i know i'm early and all which is frankly a bit of a nightmare for not just me but M&D as well so today although i'm a little under the weather i thought i'd really try and get some nice solid sats overnight as i overheard the lovely nurse telling dad that if i was ok today then the greenhouse doors would finally open - even if it was only for 2-3 minutes. Anyway as you can see from the pic below it was excellent. I loved it. Yes it was only 20 minutes and as i said before i went a bit bonkers - i missed my greenhouse - but today was the moment it all felt real. Today was the moment i felt like a real baby. Today was the moment i felt my Mum for the first time. Today, I felt amazing.
Alfie says.... consultant schmulsant
so today i am defying the consultant - who apparently we are liking again - but anyway he prodded me this morning as he seems to every morning and i went a bit mad - wouldn't you? but anyway after prodding and listening he decided that i was 'stable and improving' - which to be honest i think he was quite surprised about and if i was being paranoid quite upset about - not that he wants to me to be ill you understand but since he's been 'in charge' of me has wanted to take me a few steps back in my progress. i'm sure hes not some nutter and only thinking of my welfare (well we hope) but either i'm a medical marvel or he might have been a bit wrong in his initial assessment. To be fair to him he's very willing to take on board the advice of the nurses and mum and dad on how i'm looking/feeling etc etc so thats why we're liking him a little more today as hes clearly happy to take advice from other people and as he said only the other day in his rather plumy consultant voice 'listen i can't tell you what he's going to be like aged ten' - well yes to be honest i'd rather know how i'm going to be in 24 hours to be honest - 'but my job is not to make him any worse' - thanks surely thats the very least i can expect of you. Anyway due to my 'stable but improving' assessment he is now a little less obsessed about the lumbar puncture (LP as it will now be known) and is quite happy to see how i am tomorrow. Apparently the longer we leave it the less relevant it is to my 'management' anyway - i'm on all the antibiotics that would fight menengitis so the only difference really is how long they give them to me for. obviously if i improve a bit and they don't do the LP and then stop the antibiotics but then i go a bit down hill again because if i do have it thats not great but M&D have agreed with the consultant that they will all discuss it everyday and decide, 1. whether i'm actually well enough to have it and 2, if i am, what good will it actually do. so M&D seem a bit happier about that. I of course have no say, as i can't talk yet which is becoming a bit annoying - so good at typing but can't utter a single word - i tell you it sucks....
Alfie says.... i'm out!! (temporarily)
well only for a little bit - actually 20 minutes and then i went all a bit funny and had to be put back in again. this is apparently what is known as kangaroo care and they encourage me to be wrapped up with my mum for a short time each day. i'm still all strapped to monitors and things so its ok and i have an oxygen mask at close hand if it all gets bit much. so sorry for the slightly misleading title. i'm out. yes. but now i'm back in.....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Saturday, 5 June 2010
Alfie says …pills give me pills
I still feel rotten. On Thursday I gave everyone quite a cause for concern as my hemoglobin had dropped and they gave me my blood transfusion – which to be honest worked a treat as I went from a very pale colour to a bit more pinky although it did take me about 12 hours to change so again a bit more worry for everyone. And talking of worry – on my bad day – lets call it black Thursday I spent the day doing A’s and B’s. As I am so medically minded these days I use all the acronyms – its amazing how quickly you start using them – I think 6 years at med school is just so they can learn them all. Anyway – yes A is for Apnea. I’m connected to a separate monitor which measures my breathing. If I stop breathing for 15 seconds it goes off. It can also go off if I just do a bit a shallow breathing which as I am quite lazy I do rather a lot of. This combined with B’s though is not a good combo. B is for Brady – or bradicardia – which is a dip in the heart rate of below 60bpm ( I should be about 160) and when that happens people rush around and rub me and pick me up a bit and rub me a bit more until I decide to return to normal. The oxygen levels on my cpap are also raised to bring my sat levels up but then after I get back up to 90% sat I just keep on going and then hit 100 which is bad so they then put it down a bit and try to find the balance. But I am not balanced very well at the moment so I’m al bit all over the place. So why you ask – yes you do ask – have I gone all abit unstable at the moment. Well they have finally identified a bug I’ve got. Not a bug I’ve collected a put in a jar for show and tell – but a real nasty piece of work which they think has been growing around my long line. Its streptococcus – which may be spelt wrong so I wouldn’t bother cutting and pasting it into google - which can mean a whole variety of things but basically makes me feel awful which then in turn affects my breathing and my colour and my capacity to take on food and well the list goes on….
And that’s not the worst of it – I am so in the wars its untrue….Also this bug can also potentially give me meningitis which is a real pain in the butt – and speaking of pain in the butts the only real way to tell if it has spread to the CSF – central spinal fluid - is to do a lumbar puncture – which is where they roll me onto my side and then stick a big needle in my back below the spine but into a tiny bit that holds this fluid. Which sounds horrible. And yes it is. Doc says I’m not well enough to cope with one at the moment so I’m hoping while hes not here I get really well and the stats are brilliant so he then thinks I don’t need one. But he seems to be slightly obsessed at the moment with giving it to me – he also wants me off my food as he thinks my stomach may have an infection as well. It don’t rain mamma it pours. He’s a real optimist this one! But ha – I have evaded his nil by mouth nonsense so far as I am all contradictory. Yes when he prods me in my stomach I get pretty irritable which is normally a sign that I have an infection but I’m still taking my milk fine and my aspirates (the stuff they pull out my stomach every few hours to check for goop – remember the green goop) are all clear. So he’s all confused bless him. So although he’s quite keen on putting my long line back in – sadist – this is what started all the problems in the first place – he can’t cos I’m not barfing up green goop – and may that continue is what I say.
So essentially I’m not well at all. But I’m not getting any worse. Touch wood, salute the magpie etc etc. But I’m not really getting any better. And in this world that’s actually quite good. But still, it’s not great is it.
Eb says.....finally!
Yes well all it took was for me to get rather sick and they finally decided on a name. So from now on I’m Alfie Henry Saker-Rimmer. I thank you.
Alfie says.....
There was a young man called Alfie
Whose name didn’t rhyme with anythingie
So this didn’t really work
If only they’d called me Kirk
So now I wouldn’t have to write ‘malfie’
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Eb says...
I’m not feeling that great today to be honest. I’ve gone a bit pale and I had four desats over night which they had to rub me a bit to make me remember to breathe. Because of this they’ve put me back on the cpap as my C02 levels have increased which means I’m struggling a bit with the low flow. Also to add to the other things my hemoglobin has dropped so they’re going to give me a blood transfusion later to try and make me feel a bit better. Bloods have gone off to be tested to see if I’ve got some sort of infection that might be causing all this but we’ll have to wait a few hours for them. On the whole though I feel a bit crap.
Blood tests say I’ve got a bit of an infection together with reflux on my feed – all these combined with the hemoglobin and the low flo could be causing the problems. I’ve had a pretty tough day all in all.
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Eb says…easy does it
24 hours off cpap and I’m doin’ fine……. Well I say fine, my sat bong keeps going off but I think it’s mostly because the contact keeps dropping off rather than the actual sats dropping like a stone. You can tell this because the yellow line flats out for a second or two which means the numbers follow a few seconds later which then starts the bongs. And then the contact makes…um contact again and then the sats shoot up again to the 90’s which is where they’re meant to be and the bong stops….just as the nurse gets here.
In other news they are feeding me again as well. My recent green goop has now disappeared and so sausages are back on the menu. And the big news of the day is well how can I put this….the train has left the tunnel. And theres another one coming along quite soon. And another one after that. Everyone seems so pleased so you know I can’t disappoint can i.
I am also quite liking lying ‘prone’. (Flat on my stomach). Any other position, ‘supine’ (on my back) or ‘lateral’ (on my side) and well frankly I go a bit mad and twist around like a banshee trying to get back on my front. Madam nurse says I have to spend at least an hour on each side so my head doesn’t turn square but I managed to roll half over after 45 minutes only to get tangled in a wire which then set all the bongs off which then led to me being put back where I was. Foiled again….
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