Thursday, 3 June 2010

Eb says...

I’m not feeling that great today to be honest. I’ve gone a bit pale and I had four desats over night which they had to rub me a bit to make me remember to breathe. Because of this they’ve put me back on the cpap as my C02 levels have increased which means I’m struggling a bit with the low flow. Also to add to the other things my hemoglobin has dropped so they’re going to give me a blood transfusion later to try and make me feel a bit better. Bloods have gone off to be tested to see if I’ve got some sort of infection that might be causing all this but we’ll have to wait a few hours for them. On the whole though I feel a bit crap.

Blood tests say I’ve got a bit of an infection together with reflux on my feed – all these combined with the hemoglobin and the low flo could be causing the problems. I’ve had a pretty tough day all in all.


  1. Come on little man, dig deep

  2. This really is a rollercoaster for you guys. Sending you and EB loads of

  3. Find that inner strength that we all know you have - you have come so far on your journey xxx

  4. Come on Eb!!!!! keep strong little man!!

  5. Come on little Eb we're all rooting for you lots of love from your Payroll Aunties XX

  6. Hey little man, hope you're feeling better today. your recruitment and contact centre aunties send you lots of love from swansea too xx
