Sunday, 6 June 2010

Alfie says.... yo mamma

so today was well quite a momentous day really. yes i'm still feeling a bit crap but the lovely nurse said that it was about time i had a cuddle. Obviously most people who have a baby - slightly bigger than me obviously - can hold their baby almost straight after the birth and really feel that 'connection' between mother and child. unfortunately for me as you'll all be aware i've been stuck in my greenhouse for almost 4 weeks now (yes it is my 4 week birthday on wednesday...) and everytime the nurses have thought about getting me out for some skin on skin time (easy...) i've either dropped all my stats or i just haven't been ready for it so it hasn't happened. i know i'm early and all which is frankly a bit of a nightmare for not just me but M&D as well so today although i'm a little under the weather i thought i'd really try and get some nice solid sats overnight as i overheard the lovely nurse telling dad that if i was ok today then the greenhouse doors would finally open - even if it was only for 2-3 minutes. Anyway as you can see from the pic below it was excellent. I loved it. Yes it was only 20 minutes and as i said before i went a bit bonkers - i missed my greenhouse - but today was the moment it all felt real. Today was the moment i felt like a real baby. Today was the moment i felt my Mum for the first time. Today, I felt amazing.


  1. Ahhhh, brilliant news Eb ...... I mean Alfie!!

  2. what a gorgeous photo - that must have been really really special. Stephx

  3. And today you made me feel amazing also! What a great day

  4. Today I had tears in my eyes. What a great feeling that must have been for you all..xx

  5. hello little man what a lovely name mummy and dady have chosen for you
    you look so cosy in mummys arms lets hope every day you are a little stronger our prayer
    and love with you x x x

  6. Sallyanne Osborne9 June 2010 at 18:07

    What an amazing photo, you must have loved every single second of it and I'm sure it was one of the most amazing moments.

    We can't wait to see more photos like it as Alfie gets stronger.

    Lotas of love. xx

  7. only just seen this ....
    WOW ... makes my heart soar and eyes well to see you both
    Simply perfect.
    Alfie, your mum is making you stronger every second of the day. And you're doing the same for her and your Dad too I reckon.
    See you all soon little man

    All love, Lisa xxx
