Tuesday, 22 June 2010

I'm official

well nearly. M&D are off to Westminster today to register me - finally. Yes it is if you're counting -  the last day they're allowed to before some douchebag at westminster council names me malcolm archibald francisco or something like that. In other brief news, i am still refluxing and they are now playing with my gaviscon stuff to try and reduce me convulsing wvery time they feed me. I have nearly made 3lb - only 10g to go. And i have another eye test today after 'the incident' at the weekend - less said of the better - and i may have to testify at some point so wouldn't want to predudice the case. Might tell you all about it at a later date...

In fashion news i have a new knitted blue beret which is very arty and makes me look like a young picasso. Dad is happy because i look arty. Mum is happy because it makes me look gay!


  1. Nothing wrong with arty or gay. I'm sure it looks very fetching Alfie. Just some onions round your neck and a bike. OOH LA LA!

  2. Loving the blue beret....soooooo cute and loving the blog. Can't wait to see you all. Heres to the 3 pounds Love M and M xxx
