Sunday, 27 June 2010

gold star recinded due to bad stats

so there i was being all good and everything mostly on air (21% oxygen level) for quite a long time to be honest and then the consultant arrives and i go into a bradi and a desat right infront of him - so instead of gold star for best boy in room i get nothing and are called biggest troublemaker in room. Pah. He says apart from that little episode i'm doing ok although hes a bit worried about my hemaglobin levels again as i've gone a bit pale. they're meant to be about 10 - 12 and i'm on 8.8 from 9.4 so my trend is down and theres nothing Gok Wan can do about it. This is the time when i'm sort of supposed to go down but then pick up again and shoot into the 12's but i'm not so the only result of that is another blood transfusion to help me but thats a bit of a double edged sword as they can't just keep bunging blood in me as i have to create my own and i i'm not creating my own then that well..... thats a whole new caboodle of worry. But - so far we're hanging on to the tuesday vampire session when they bleed me to test a new batch - which in itself reduces my blood count. i don't see why they can't just give me a nurofen and tell me to drink plenty of fluids and get some rest.....

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