Tuesday 8 June 2010

Alfie says.... fat as a house

So my saga continues. there i am fighting this ruddy infection and apparently doing ok on the whole - my infection markers are down and sats reasonably ok, my bloods are coming back to - well lets not say normal - but certainly on the road to recovery. The start of a thousand mile journey starts with a single step you know and i certainly think M&D are pretty much getting their heads around that one. And talking of small steps... well if i could walk that might be pretty difficult for me right now. No-ones quite sure why yet and more tests will follow tomorrow but i've swelled up like a bit of a balloon. My legs went first and then my feet and then my face. No-one spotted it at all until Mum noticed that my name tag on my leg was essentially cutting into it. i was waving it about like a banshee but sometimes its hard to attract attention.

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