24 hours off cpap and I’m doin’ fine……. Well I say fine, my sat bong keeps going off but I think it’s mostly because the contact keeps dropping off rather than the actual sats dropping like a stone. You can tell this because the yellow line flats out for a second or two which means the numbers follow a few seconds later which then starts the bongs. And then the contact makes…um contact again and then the sats shoot up again to the 90’s which is where they’re meant to be and the bong stops….just as the nurse gets here.
In other news they are feeding me again as well. My recent green goop has now disappeared and so sausages are back on the menu. And the big news of the day is well how can I put this….the train has left the tunnel. And theres another one coming along quite soon. And another one after that. Everyone seems so pleased so you know I can’t disappoint can i.
I am also quite liking lying ‘prone’. (Flat on my stomach). Any other position, ‘supine’ (on my back) or ‘lateral’ (on my side) and well frankly I go a bit mad and twist around like a banshee trying to get back on my front. Madam nurse says I have to spend at least an hour on each side so my head doesn’t turn square but I managed to roll half over after 45 minutes only to get tangled in a wire which then set all the bongs off which then led to me being put back where I was. Foiled again….
Great to have a 'poo' (train) update Eb. It's important to be regular and don't keep it in, let it out!