Wednesday 16 June 2010

alfie says...what you lookin' at?

don't know what you're looking at but i am looking at a very bright light shining into my eyes....yes its the latest test on me - an eye test. Now although i randomly open my eyes to check out the greenhouse i still can't really make much out apart from a few shadows and things but that will improve over time and this test was to see whether i have Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) which like all things can be in grades, 1 being the best and 5 being like a bat. Anyway the long and short of it is apparently i am 'showing no signs for concern' of it. Hurrah! Which is good as eye development is fairly rapid in the last 10 weeks of pregnancy but can stop if you come out a little early - clearly i am so highly developed i seem to be ok. They will test me every two weeks and even when i go home i have to continue to have eye tests to make sure theres no problems - although i'd imagine i'll be going through a fair amount of them in the future. All i remember is the lovely head consultant from St.Marys saying i was a textbook baby - hopefully that meant i was progressing exactly how they would hope rather than being quite boring, rather thick and difficult to fit in a small bag...

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